Person bee keeping with bee hat on

Laurier Hawk Honey

Stir up a buzz on Laurier’s Waterloo campus today by making a donation to support Laurier Hawk Honey.

In the spring of 2017, the Laurier Sustainability Office installed a small apiary, consisting of two hives, on the Waterloo campus. The purpose of the hives is to educate students on the importance of honey bees, to help support bee habitat on campus and to provide homegrown honey to the Laurier campus community. After the success of the program to date, the Sustainability Office is looking to expand their operation with four more bee hives and one educational hive that can be incorporated into curriculum.

Talk about a truly golden opportunity! With your help, Laurier Hawk Honey can continue its expansion efforts and help educate the community about the amazing role bees play in our environment.


For more information and details on special donating opportunities, please contact:
Tyler Plante:
Ryan Brejak:

The intention of this fundraising effort is to assist the Laurier Sustainability Office with Laurier Hawk Honey. In the event that the amount raised does not meet the goal or the minimum required for the project to move forward, the funds will be allocated to the Sustainability Office’s highest priority needs.