Student Life Levy

Student Life Levey Fund

Funded directly through the generosity of our undergraduate students, the Student Life Levy (SLL) supports special one-time projects that enhance the undergraduate student experience at the Brantford and Waterloo campuses. The SLL was initiated as a means to support projects that couldn’t otherwise happen. Specifically, the SLL looks to support projects that present increased opportunity for students to engage in activities leading to improved personal health and wellness and increased opportunity for students to engage each other and their environment in a culture of learning outside of physical classroom space.

The application system is open year-round, with reviews happening every March, July and November. Please keep the following in mind when preparing your application:

  • The SLL does not fund projects on an on-going basis so the request should be for one-time funding only.
  • The SLL rarely approves projects that require salary. If salary is a component, it must be for a limited time during the start-up phase of the project and the budget must show financial sustainability.
  • The SLL does not fund ‘for profit’ projects.
  • The SLL does not fund trips.
  • The committee appreciates those projects that have demonstrated collaboration with other partners/departments on campus, including the Students’ Union.
  • The committee prefers those projects that have an impact on the entire campus or a large percentage of the undergraduate student population.
  • The committee prefers when a capital project has already secured 50% of the project budget from non-student sources.
  • In accordance with guidelines related to non-tuition fee protocol, the SLL cannot support projects which are tied to academic credit.
  • The primary purpose of your application should not be to raise funds for an external charity.

Approved projects must provide an accountability report upon project completion, highlighting how the funds were used and how the project has impacted undergraduate students.

If you have any questions about the Student Life Levy, please contact Student Life Levy at or 519.884.0710 ext. 3352.

The SLL has been supporting projects for almost 40 years at a total value of approximately $20 million.


Number of applicants received:


Number of projects Funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:



$14,000.00 - Pathways to Skill-Building in Times of Uncertainty (Multi-campus)
$2,500.00 - Cooking Through COVID (Multi-campus)
$4,500.00 - Masculinity and Mental Health Week (Multi-campus)
$6,520.00 - Virtual Keynote Event (Multi-campus)
$18,000.00 - Distant but Together: Creating Inclusive Online Communities (Multi-campus)
$26,420.00 - U-Desk Tech Share (Multi-campus)
$15,876.39 - Student Loan Laptops (Multi-campus)
$10,368.00 - Bleed Red, Go Green Depot (Multi-campus)
$8,425.00 - Student Care Kits (Multi-campus)
$9,300.00  - DIY Art Took Kits (Waterloo campus)
$2,585.00 - Safe to Run: Bystander Intervention Training (Waterloo campus)         
$1,300,000.00 - Alumni Field (Waterloo campus) *Note: Contingent on referendum being passed
$5,000.00 - The Youth Climate Report Filmmaking Initiative (Waterloo campus)
$6,000.00  - Virtual Photo-research exhibit (Waterloo campus)   
$1,000.00  - Alumni Hockey Game Jerseys (Brantford campus)
$147,990.00 - One Market Student Lounge (Brantford campus)

2020 Winter Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2020 Winter Approved Projects

$35,000.00  –  Quiet Study Lounge (Waterloo)
$16,150.00 –  Peer Support Pilot (Waterloo)
$961,000.00  –  2-4 Lounge Upgrade  (Waterloo)
$2,775.00 –  Northdale community garden, address food insecurity (Waterloo)
$14,000.00  –  Baby Changing Tables  (Multi Campus)
$16,000 .00 –  Launch of the Food Insecurity programming  (Multi Campus)
$600.00  –  Podcast Accelerator Scholarships (Brantford)
$11,515.00  –  Wellness Hub - Sensory room in one market (Brantford)

2019 Fall Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2019 Fall Approved Projects

$7,000.00 - International Students Overcoming War (ISOW) President (Multi)

$11,100.00 - Inclusive Washroom Initiative (Multi)

$7,136.00 - WLU Menstrual Equity Committee Student Lead (Multi)

$685.00 - Free Yoga Class (Waterloo)

$4,149.36 - Expansion of Educational Aids ( Waterloo)

$24,000.00 - New tutoring offices for student learning and modify the Accessible Learning and Student SU ( Waterloo)

$3,000.00 - Writing for Your Life (Waterloo)

$10,355.13 - Installation- Study Tables & Chairs AND/OR Lounge Chairs with Tablets - 3rd Floor Schlegel Building (Waterloo)

$16,587.84 - Laptop Loaners (Waterloo)

$19,000.00 - Student Safe Place Project (Waterloo)

$1,500.00 - Global Hackathon (Waterloo)

$13,500.00 - The Symposium for Male Ally ship on Campus (Waterloo)

$8,000.00 - Laurier Brantford YMCA Gymnasium Floor Covering (Brantford)

$3,548.55 - Impairment Goggle Simulation Program (Brantford)

2019 WINTER Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2019 WINTER approved projects

$1,720.00 - Full Spectrum Light Therapy Lamps (multi-campus)

$10,000.00 - Laurier Cares (multi-campus)

$5,814.32 - Education Aids for the Faculty of Music (Waterloo)

$10,000.00 - Campus and community mural in Peters Building (Waterloo)

$1,688.37 - Best Buddies Laurier Semi-Formal (Waterloo)

$16,450.00 - Furnishing Learning Labs for Writing, Math, and Statistics Support (Waterloo)

$2,500.00 - Social Innovation Summit (Waterloo)

$10,000.00 - Indigenous Student Experiential Learning Opportunity (Waterloo)

$2,111.00 - Lend Your Leg (Waterloo)

$20,000.00 - Wings to Fly Art Project (Brantford)

$3,458.55- The Peace Conference: Practices in Bettering Our Collective Human Experience (Brantford)

2018 Fall Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2018 Fall approved projects

$1,400.00 - A documentary: Speaking through the Doorway 

$3,187.50 - #DistractinglyExcellent: Celebrating Accomplished Women in Science (multi-campus)

$4,675.00 - Changemaker Innovation Challenge by Wilfrid Laurier University an AshokaU Changemaker Campus (multi-campus)

$7,000.00 - Wellness and Healing Initiative for Marginalized Students (multi-campus)

$1,000.00 - Fashion For Freedom (Brantford campus)

$20,000.00 - Student Centre Lounge (Brantford campus)

$49,446.50 - Workshop Room P224 (Waterloo campus)

$5,000.00 - Solarium Furniture Renewal (Waterloo campus)

$11,876.45 - Synthetic Cadaver Immersion Tables (Waterloo campus)

$10,000.00 - Yuva Arts Project (Waterloo campus)

$4,961.28 - Maureen Forrester Recital Hall Lighting Upgrade (Waterloo campus)

$2,500.00 - Faculty of Arts Student Lounge (Waterloo campus)

$8,248.60 - Music Symposium Pilot Project (Waterloo campus)

$849.60 - Laurier Wellness in Film Festival (Waterloo campus)

$5,081.00 - ISOW Day at Laurier (Waterloo campus)

2018 Winter Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2018 Winter approved projects

$32,500.00 - Sustainability Through an Inclusive Lens (multi-campus)

$2,000.00 - Mental Health Preparation for International Travel (multi-campus)

$160,000.00 - Nadjiwan Kandassowin Gamik - Beautiful Place of Learning (Waterloo campus)

$1,650.00 - Stationary Bikes for Learning (Waterloo campus)

$25,000.00 - The Laurier Community Hub – a workspace for collaborative and community-engaged work (Waterloo campus)

$1,750.00 - Indigenous Maker Workshop (Waterloo campus)

$5,000.00 - Volleyball Equipment for Athletic Complex (Waterloo campus)

$21,800.00 - Study Space in Athletic Complex (Waterloo campus)

$3,358.36 - Enhanced Injury Rehabilitation and Student Learning Opportunities (Waterloo campus)

$6,700.00 - Women's Cricket at Laurier (Waterloo campus)

$90,000.00 - Student Centre Multipurpose Room Repurposing (Brantford campus)

2017 Fall Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2017 Summer Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2017 summer approved projects

$13,180.24 - Phone Charging Stations (multi-campus)

$20,000 - Establishment of gaming collection at Laurier Library (multi-campus)

$3,105 - MUSE Headbands for the Wellness Centre (multi-campus)

$6,260 - Kendal Netmaker Speaker at Laurier (multi-campus)

$3,996 - Syria Film Festival (multi-campus)

$3,850 - Tom Jackson: Song and Story (Waterloo campus)

$1,200 - Terry Fox Run - Health Sciences (Waterloo campus)

$3,000 - Laurier Pedometer Challenge (Waterloo campus)

$1,950 - "We've got your back": High quality study chairs for students with disabilities (Waterloo campus)

$5,303.25 - Sixth Annual SCMS Undergraduate Film Studies Conference (Waterloo campus)

$7,581.16 - Acquired a safe and approved vacuum former (Waterloo campus)

$4,908.84 - The Laurier Musical (Waterloo campus)

$5,000 - Inclusive washroom signage (Waterloo campus)

$5,000 - TEDxWLU Brantford (Brantford campus)

$10,000 - Creating an accessible medicine garden (Brantford campus)

$1,000 - Go Abroad student panel event (Brantford campus)

$2,970 - Business social etiquette (Brantford campus)

2017 Winter Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2017 Winter Approved Projects

$30,000 - Building a Physically Active Classroom (Waterloo campus)

$35,568 - Bystander Training: A Made in Laurier Training Program (Multi-campus)

$8,500 - Enactus Laurier's PolliNation Program's Pollinator Garden Project (Waterloo campus)

$7,500 - Financial Literacy: Online Resources (Multi-campus)

$10,000 - LBTV Software Upgrades (Brantford campus)

$9,300 - MacBook Loaner Laptops (Multi-campus)

$7,866 - Pilot Project to expand the I Move My Mood program (Waterloo campus)

$5,000 - Pre-departure Symposium: Studying Abroad During Uncertain Times (Multi-campus)

$600 - Social Justice Mini Conference (Waterloo campus)

$42,408 - Student Exploration and Prototyping Space (Waterloo campus)

$40,000 - Turret Renewal: Phase 2 (Waterloo campus)

$1,400 - Welcoming Community Engagement at the Laurier Library (Waterloo campus)

2016 Fall Overview

Number of applications received:


Number of projects funded:


Total amount of funding awarded:


2016 Fall Approved Projects

$4,000 - An Event for Social Justice: Education and Community Building through the Arts (Multi campus)

$31,000 - A Tribe Called Red for Aboriginal Education Week (Waterloo campus)

$8,228 - CityStudio Brantford (Brantford campus)

$7,500 - FLASS Presents Special Guest Speaker Molly Burke from Me to We (Brantford campus)

$7,500 - Formal Gala (Brantford campus)

$5,347 - Laurier Musical Theatre Presents: Footloose the Musical! (Waterloo campus)

$400 - One Love Gala (Brantford campus)

$2,358 - Student Club and Tournament Equipment (Waterloo campus)

$5,000 - Student Wellness through Neuro-Biofeedback (Brantford campus)

$800 - Team Up Against Concussions (Waterloo campus)

$3,250 - The Hawk Mascot (Waterloo campus)

$22,500 - The Library in High Definition: Film, Data Visualization, and Artist Video Project (Waterloo campus)

$1,642 - Tonight You Will Meet My Brilliant Friend (Waterloo campus)

$3,400 - Wen-Do Women's Self-Defence (Multi campus)

$5,900 - Winter Carnival Mystery Event (Waterloo campus)

Highlights of Previously Approved Projects

$500,000 - Alumni Field Project (2005-2008)

$250,000 - Athletic Complex Change Room Upgrade (2011-2012)

$750,000 - Athletic Complex Bleacher Replacement (2015-2016)

$6,057 - Brantford Campus Commuter Lounge

$30,000 - Brantford Foot Patrol Van Replacement (2015-2016)

$34,000 - Campus Emergency Response Revisioning (2011-2012)

$85,000 - Concourse Revitalization Project (2010-2011)

$63,622 - Empowering Students to Prevent Gendered Violence (2013-2014)

$88,000 - FNCC 24 Student Lounge (2012-2013)

$40,000 - John Aird Centre Faculty of Music Student Lounge (2013-2014)

$11,670 - Laurier Mobile Safety App (2014-2015)

$10,000 - Learning Out Loud About... Race: The Series (2015-2016)

$25,390 - Security Asset Intelligence Mapping for Campus Safety (2014-2015)

$7,935 - Short Term Laptop Loan Program - Year Round to any Students attending Laurier (2016-2017)

$32,473 - Signature Covered Bike Structure (2011-2012)

$125,000 - Student Wellness Centre Renovation Project (2013-2014)

$150,100 - Study Space Quality Improvements - Science Atrium, Bricker Academic Building 2nd Floor, DAWB Upper Floors (2012-2013)

$21,815 - The Purpose Lab (2015-2016)

$100,000 - Toyota Solarium Upgrade (2011-2012)

$8,800 - Wilfrid Laurier University Multi-Campus Indigenous Cultural Literacy & Allyship Education Initiative (2015-2016)

"It's your university. Help us make your student life even better."

Student Life Levy
519.884.0710 x3352



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